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Front Cover, Cul de Sac Tales II

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The Jack France Mysteries are included on their own page.

In these 'Cul de Sac Tales'  (Books I and II) Rita tells all about the lives of her friends and neighbours, all residents of the 'cul de sac' Humour/fiction
ISBN: 9780992968502   ebook 99p Paperback £6.99
' . . .a relatively easy-going reading experience.
With a wide range of cast and characters.'
Goodreads review/rating 5*   (Bk 1)
                                ISBN: 9780992968502  (Bk I) ebook £1.79 
Paperback £6.99                        ISBN: 9781999587123 (BkII) ebook £1.99 Paperback £6.99

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Crime Writers' Association Member logo
Front Cover, 'Watching and other Stories'

Watching and other Stories: A collection of fourteen short stories and flash fiction, includes the novella (original version) Reflections of Murder.​ ISBN: 9780992968533   

P/back £8.99 ebook £2.99

Front Cover, 'Picking the Bones.

Picking The Bones:
A collection of tales in the folk  tradition/fantasy
​ISBN: 9780992968519 
​ebook £1.99 Paperback £6.00

Large Print Paperback ISBN:  979-8371727121


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 REFLECTIONS OF MURDER: First published in 'Watching and other Stories', this revised version is now available as an ebook. Mel is loved by everyone, that's what her friends and colleagues would have you believe but perhaps one of them is a murderer . . .
Available via AMAZON 
​ebook £1.99

Also available as LARGE PRINT edition HARDBACK ISBN: ‎ 979-8364733115


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Five Shady Tales, On Amazon e book £1.79

Paperback ISBN 979-8341130753  £6.00

Five Shady Tales is a collection of short stories with a dark side.  Click link below to buy

Also available in LARGE PRINT EDITION

ISBN: 979-8-3753677-6-7


Front Cover, 'Reflections of Murder'
Five Shady tales ebook cover.jpg

Mr and Mrs Wilmott Investigate ebook  £2.99

Edward Wilmott is looking forward to relaxing, spending some time in the garden, in other words he’s looking forward to the quiet life now that he is retired. One person who Edward Wilmott has overlooked in all of this planning is Millie, his wife of nearly forty years. Millie thinks they should do more things together now that Edward has time on his hands, and Millie’s ideas are nothing like Edward’s, as he soon discovers. She doesn’t want the quiet life. Millie wants to turn her hand to sleuthing and she’d like Edward to help.   ASIN:B0CZB1GBW2

Mr and Mrs Wilmott Investigate

Paperback £8.99

ISBN: 978-1999587192

ebook cover 'Mr and Mrs Wilmott Investigate'

Afternoon Tea at Mum'sA short story collection to curl up with and wonder what could happen next. ebook and Paperback. Includes two 'Christmas themed' stories, 'Delia' and 'Mr Buttercup'.
​ISBN: 978-1-9995871-4-7
ebook £2.99 Paperback £8.99

'My absolute favourite is "Our Brian", very much in the "Talking Heads" style of Alan Bennett, another "Northern" author and playwright.' Amazon Customer 5*

Awaiting cover pic


This little book takes you through many of our English Christmas Traditions from the Anglo Saxons to the present day and looks at 'New' Twelfth Night and what is affectionately known as 'Old Twelvey'. Discover why we hang baubles on the tree, bring greenery and trees into our home, and kiss under the mistletoe. And then there's the food, Goose, Turkey, Pork, Pigs in Blankets, cake, mince pies, sugared almonds. So, eat, drink and be merry and lose yourself within the pages of everything Christmas and maybe you will be inspired to add some new 'traditions' to your own.

Available as ebook, £1.99

Paperback £5.99 ISBN: 978-1068622908

Amazon Review 5*  'Wonderful Book. I will treasure this book for many years. Great information and well written.' J (

Poetry Collections

Hobby Horses Will Dance: A poetry collection of folklore, myth, legend, nature and the Anglo Saxon months of the year. 
​ISBN: 9780992968519  ebook £1.99 Paperback £5.00
'​It is seldom that I read poems as I rarely come across poems that holds my interest. This book certainly did!' 5* Goodreads rating/review

Front Cover, 'Hobby Horses Will Dance'

 Not Exactly Life: A poetry collection about women, from life, fiction, film and history, includes mum, Jean Harlow and Belle Starr.
ISBN: 9780992968564  'This collection is delightful, perceptive and a pleasure to read.' 5* Goodreads review/rating 
'Nostalgic, easy reading, perhaps a little light but poetry doesn't have to in your face all the time, does it?' 3* Goodreads rating/review
ebook £1.99 Paperback £6.99

Front Cover, 'Over By Christmas'
Front Cover, 'Not Exactly Life'

Over By Christmas, a collection of poetry and short prose written for the Wilfred Owen Festival in Oswestry in 2018 where I was invited as a guest speaker. This collection focuses on, in the main, the women left at home. Available in Paperback, ISBN: 978 0 9929685 8 8 £5.99 and as an ebook, £1.99 on Amazon










For Younger Readers


Hurricane Jess is aimed at pre-school children. It is Saturday, Mummy and Daddy would like a lie-in but Jess is already up and busy! Awaiting cover picture.

Illustrations by Karen Ross

ISBN:978-0-9929685-4-0 £5.99


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