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Margaret is a SWWJ member and a member of the Society of Authors

Margaret has received awards for several of her plays, in October 2012, she was a finalist at the Ovation Theatre Awards with her short play, Soup for Starters, receiving an Honourable Mention. In 2014 the play was again performed, this time at Bollington Arts Festival.
In 2014 Margaret's one minute play 'Talk to Me' was a winner at the Gi60 event at Halifax.
In  June 2014, Margaret's story 'Our Brian' was longlisted for BBC Radio 4's 'Opening Lines'.
In November 2014, her play, 'The Supper Party', made it to the final 3 in a competition for Blackpool's Grand Theatre.
Sandy's Ashes, was performed at Congleton Open Space Festival 2015.
​In 2017 her play 'Ruthless' was longlisted for the Top Five Competition at Bolton's Octagon Theatre.

Her short story Pig Man, was shortlisted in the 2015 Cheshire Prize for Literature and is published in Patches of Light, the Cheshire Prize anthology. 
A prizewinning poet, Margaret's poems and short stories have been published in several anthologies and magazines including: Schooldays, Best of British, Flash, I love you, (Paper Swans Press) Patches of Light, (University of Chester Press)
Torrid Literature Journal, Sentinel Literary Quarterly, The Dawntreader, Orbis, The SHOp, The Journal, Sarasvati, Areopagus, Reflections, The Caterpillar, The Wilfred Owen Association Journal, Beltane print magazine from Three Drops From A Cauldron Press, also published online on Abegail Morley's Poetry Shed - and online in: Quirky Christmas 2015 and Zach Roddis' Poetry Advent Calendar, and in online publications, Napalm and Novacain, Jellyfish Whispers ,Pyrokinection, Three Drops From A Cauldron, The Poetry Shed (April 22/2016) Torrid Literature Journal (publication date Nov 2017 and Summer 2018) and The Foxglove Journal, (2017, 2019). In 2019 her poem August 16th 1819 was included in Peterloo Poems by Manchester People, marking the bi-centennial of the Peterloo massacre.
​Dreich Summer Anthology, (July 2021)
Torrid Literature Journal, (pub'n date to be confirmed)

Margaret was a runner up in the  humour section at Wirral Festival of Firsts in 2012 with her poem, 'One To Another'.

In the Wilfred Owen Poetry Competition in 2014 her poem, 'In a Village of Many Ash Trees', was a runner up.
Her poem 'Keeping Books' was Highly Commended in the 2015 Wirral Festival of Firsts.

In July 2014 her poem 'Dear Tommy', was added to the memorial for WWI Unknown Soldier at Paddington Station.

Margaret lives in Cheshire where she grew up. 
Before writing finally found its way to the fore she worked variously as a sales assistant, bookkeeper and at one point ran her own floristry business.
When she's not writing Margaret enjoys reading, walking, gardening, visiting bookshops and anything with a past - historic buildings are a passion !


Please check the 'Books' tab, for information about Margaret's books. 
ebooks available from AMAZON


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