Blog -chit chat and happenings
The image below was taken at an event last year.

This is a short review of a recent read, Death and the Conjuror, Tom Mead
I know this is the first book in the series but I had read the third and enjoyed that, so thought I'd better read the others! I was not disappointed. They are pleasant reads and there is the 'puzzle' element to the stories but I didn't work this one out at all. Three patients of Anselm Rees, known as A, B, and C, any one of them might be involved in the savage murder of Dr. Rees. And then there is his daughter Lidia's fiance, not at all a good egg, or so it seems. And who could have entered and left the Dr's house without being noticed and on top of all this there is a stolen painting, now someone was seen at a celebrity party and might be involved with that - and then... You get the idea. And I had everyone as a suspect at one time or another. Anyway, the characters are wonderful, Spector, the retired conjuror and Flint, the police inspector are so wonderfully drawn I feel I know them. I'm having a break now and reading more in TBR pile, but I will soon be reading the second in this series.
Season of Mists . . .
The autumnal weather has decided to turn nasty - cold and wet. I prefer my autumns of the bright, cold, sunny type, so at the moment I am not impressed. Arising from family commitments, I seem to be spending a lot of time out and about in Lancashire, Garstang, to be precise, and over the past months have discovered lots of hidden treasures. The Dewlay cheese shop, for one, I suppose it helps to like cheese. The canal and the many boats moored along its length with their brightly painted liveries, and the wonderful Barton Grange garden centre. What a place! What can't you buy is perhaps the question! And over at the 'Flowerbowl' there are various activities to take part in, and a cinema and, a curling rink! It's open to the public so if you fancy having a go, check it out. I will add that I have only watched, but I do quite like just doing that.
October's End
Here we are then, 29th October and it has turned wet and drear since the changing of the clocks. October is usually a 'beautiful month', or so my mum used to say and I am inclined to agree with her, just a pity about the last couple of days. And when half-term hits, (in the UK) then I know that it is Christmas Pudding making time, so mine is done, only one this year but then only myself and Mr H to eat it. I always used to get my son to stir the pudding and make a wish when he was small but when I made this year's pudding there was no-one else around, so only me to stir three times and wish. Do you make puddings? Do you enjoy eating them? And what do you serve them with - Rum Sauce or Brandy Butter? I know what my favourite is!
November. Here we are in November but on the 30th October I went on a 'ghost walk' around Knutsford in Cheshire. I didn't see anything to speak of but the talk and the walk were really enjoyable. Mr H and myself have been on these before so it's obvious we enjoyed the first one. We heard a couple of new stories of ghostly goings on and ended the evening in the Lord Eldon, a 300year old pub in Knutsford. The drink and the company was good but I still didn't see anything however, one of the stories was about the Rose and Crown on King Street, now I must visit that next time I'm in the vicinity!
November's coming to an end and today 26th, has been fairly bright. The snow of last week has all gone and the garden is now less waterlogged. I would like to see some more bright, sunny days as we head into December and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we will be lucky. Not too much snow or ice though, as it is a bit restricting and I need to be out and about. the snow, if we have more would be nice January time, when I have less to do and can admire its beauty without care!
December. It's the 12th of the month and I'm prepping for Christmas but no serious decs up yet. There are other bits and bobs I have to do first.I have written and posted all the cards that have to be sent by Royal Mail but the ones that are to be hand delivered they're on the 'to do' list. All my talks and author visits are done for the year. My next one is in Feb 2025, I don't as a rule book anything for January. I save that to catchup on the writing tasks that are outstanding. I think next week will be the day the tree goes up and a few days later the outside ones will be added to the house and conifer hedge. In my dolls house, however, the gifts are already beneath the tree! Whatever you do and however you spend Christmas may it be a pleasant and peaceful time of year, and may the gift of the Christ child be with you. Waes hael! Until next time.
Hope everyone had a great new year however quiet or noisy it might have been. Even though it was wet it was good to see the fireworks at a house beyond ours. The colours against the sky were beautiful. Today is an easy day of taking stock of new projects that will get underway in earnest next week. Apart from an emergency dental visit on the 30th December (broken tooth) the week from Christmas day passed uneventfully in the main. I'm old fashioned in that it's a celebration for me right through the twelve days, working or not! 'Murder in Budapest' is almost done and fingers crossed, will be out by end February. A fourth mystery for Jack France.
If you are in the vicinity of any of my author visits or talks, please come by and say 'hello'. Check the events page for all details. I will keep you posted on the events/projects as they come along and go ahead. Have a 'Happy New Year' and let's hope it's a peaceful and positive one.